Archive for May, 2010

I am still here!

Posted in Family on May 5, 2010 by Garza

I know I have neglected my blogging duties for quite some time now. I have been super busy at work and with a 1 year old, I have been super busy at home as well. So the blogging, along with the Halo and Call of Duty, reading, guitar playing, and drawing has sort of fallen to the way side.

I am trying to get back on track though. So I might as well start with some pictures of my little angel on her 1st birthday. I CANT BELIEVE she is already 1! It seems like just yesterday Lana and I were in colic hell. Nowadays she is so dang cute that I can’t even stand it sometimes. She makes me grit my teeth! 🙂

Last weekend we celebrated her 1st birthday and it was fantastic. She had such a great time and we so enjoyed having all of our friends and family over. She was a little hesitant to dive into her cake at first, but once she caught a taste of that sugary and creamy concoction, it was on. She ate so much I was sure she would throw up. But like the champion she is she held it together. 🙂 She loved it! So here are a few pictures from last weekend.

I am the champion of all babies and I dominated this cake!

Yea I ate all that and I'm filthy to boot. So...

I think I might just puke.